Wednesday, 20 July 2011


This is a diary of my overgrown garden that I had not touched in anyway for seven years.  This year being off work I just got so fed up of looking at this forest of overgrown grass and nettles.  I was having problems and was getting very angry with how my life was going and I found doing the garden channelled my anger in a more positive way.  Now I am just hooked and love my garden I have to stop myself buying more and more plants.  So now I am trying to propagate my own by taking cuttings from here and there.  I will show you my cuttings later so I can do a diary of how the garden is getting on and the cuttings.

So now here is how the garden used to be!

I started off by uncovering the path that goes up the right side and around the back and a little down the right side.

While I was uncovering the path I had to some how get rid of the nettles and cut the wild grass.  7 years ago which was the last time I cleared the garden and it was nice and new plants growing I was running out of money because dad and passed away that year and I needed to get myself back to work.  With one thing and another the garden got neglected again, the electric garden tools broke, lawnmower, trimmer so with the long hours I was working the garden got neglected.

So back to the now, after uncovering the path and cutting the grass with long handled 6" shears I got it under control again!

Yes there is a hole in the middle of the garden that's Benji's hole he is making his way down to Auz I think, one email friend thought I was digging a grave haha I know I have   
been depressed but not that bad that I have a grave ready for me hehe.

If you look at the back here it's just grass, under there is more path I was going to leave it as it is but decided to uncover the whole path:

OK that done I needed to cut away all the weeds that was covering that flower bed here  is how it was before I cleared it:

And now lets show you as it is now so we can keep a record of how my garden is growing.

Here are some close ups of some of the plants so we can keep a record of there growth

I am doing a experiment with these the vines at the back I transfer from the front of my garden these are where they are from: below

My Bay Leaf Plant

I have no idea what this one above is it grew from no where, it was bigger and started sprouting yellow flowers but every time it got to that point Benji my dog ripped off the stems.  So now I have moved it up to the middle of the bed and near the back just maybe Benji will leave it alone now.

Now this is a sad looking thing, I have no idea what it is called but it was a cutting given me by one of my neighbour seven years ago it did grow up a few years ago but it ended up just a bare branch so I cut the bark right down to the ground and it started sprouting again,  but it is infected with something because the leafs curl as they grow I cut the curly leafs off and see what it does now.  I think I will have to buy some sort of spray for it.

This is my Hosta plant it likes the shade so should do well in this corner it only gets a little sun at the end of the afternoon as the sun moves to the top of the garden.

On the right is my Hydrangea I planted yesterday crossing my fingers with this one as it might not like the shade.

Below the vines is a plant that is from the family of Irises not a Irises but very much like it when it grows it has yellow flowers that sprout up from the middle.

This was a huge Elderberry bush it was so big it over shadowed the whole of this corner so I have pruned it right down sawed off a lot of the branches.  I will have to keep the pruning up so not to loose the light on the other plants.

I love this plant its some kind of succulent it is so hardy you can just stick it in the ground with no roots and it roots and grows. I love the way the leafs goes to look like a bud of a rose.

This is my St Johns Wort, now this is one of my surviving plants from 7 years ago. Notice the Irises that I have separated and planted all down this side should look lovely when they come up next spring, with their Blue Mauve flowers.

This is my shade corner with the Hosta and hydrangea. 


  1. Chrissie!

    You have done such a wonderful job with your backyard! I am so proud of you and I know you feel better having accomplished this much work.

    Again, GOOD JOB!


    Diane Jessup (aka Head Angel)

  2. Thanks Diane yes my garden has been my salvation got me through all the stress started doing it to get rid of my anger now its a blessing.


Thanks for taking the time to humour me by looking at my blog come back soon hugs.