My Hosta is flowering with lovely mauve, blue flowers I guess that is a good sign of the plant taking and rooting.
Close up of the Hosta
Now this is my transplanted plant from the bottom of the garden this stuff loves concrete I have tried a couple of times putting this is several places in the garden but failed and they just died but its the concrete it loves its budding so that is saying something.
I am experimenting with this Ivy I took it from the front garden it was winded round the hedge. My idea with this that it will grow up and cover some of this ugly wall of the garage next door.
More Ivy!
This is a seasonal Plant shame would have love to keep this for next year but I guess have to get some more next year
This is one of my favourites believe it or not this is next doors Sweet Pea they put a new fence on the old fence and this was caught between so I am claiming this as my Sweet Pea and I love it!
Close up of Sweet Pea flowers