Friday, 23 September 2011

New Side Border

I have been surfing the internet trying to get a nice border fence for my side border with funds low I decided to make my own.  I collected some stone that I already had in the garden and thought they would go well in the side because they match the top of the garden.  I took them out a few inches to make the border a bit wider.  I am quite pleased with the results.

I am trying a few cuttings that I have taken from various plants in the Garden as well as one from next doors Garden, lets see if I am lucky this time.

Now the pink stones go all the way up the garden to the border at the top I am pleased because it did not cost me any money.

The grass is starting to grow at the bottom of the garden.  Today I went over the grass with a fork lifting up the sunken bits and spiking it here and there to aerate it making it ready for the spring.  I am so exited for Spring to see the garden come alive with all the new plants I have put in this summer and crossing my fingers some of the cuttings have taken and the new Sweet Peas have survived the cold.


  1. Absolutely beautiful Chrissie!

  2. That is great, Chrissie, and it is so satisfying 'recycling' the garden like this. It is what I have been doing here too... moving things around and getting rid of bushes and planting others in new places.
    Love and Blessings, Jan


Thanks for taking the time to humour me by looking at my blog come back soon hugs.