This Morning I was out early breaking off some more Ryzones and replanting around my garden here are some photos where I have planted them.
These two trees I am very excited about, I bagged them off my Free cycle group was lucky for a change and got in first, one is a Holly Tree and the other a Cypress tree. I will be picking them up this afternoon then I will have to decide where to put them because they could grow quite tall.
Cypress Tree and Holly Tree
Cypress Tree
Now I will have to look for the name of this Iris like plant I split the few I had and planted them in my new flower bed, these produce lovely yellow flowers in the spring. I have no idea where they came from they just appeared last year I guess I have to thank the birds.
If you look to the right behind the Iris Plants you will see the Iris like plant at the back right by the fence with the yellow flowers. This is where they started and where I dug them up and made a couple of plants out of them, now they have multiplied and I have planted them next to the orange flowers the name escapes me at this moment.