Friday, 23 September 2011

New Side Border

I have been surfing the internet trying to get a nice border fence for my side border with funds low I decided to make my own.  I collected some stone that I already had in the garden and thought they would go well in the side because they match the top of the garden.  I took them out a few inches to make the border a bit wider.  I am quite pleased with the results.

I am trying a few cuttings that I have taken from various plants in the Garden as well as one from next doors Garden, lets see if I am lucky this time.

Now the pink stones go all the way up the garden to the border at the top I am pleased because it did not cost me any money.

The grass is starting to grow at the bottom of the garden.  Today I went over the grass with a fork lifting up the sunken bits and spiking it here and there to aerate it making it ready for the spring.  I am so exited for Spring to see the garden come alive with all the new plants I have put in this summer and crossing my fingers some of the cuttings have taken and the new Sweet Peas have survived the cold.

Tuesday, 13 September 2011

Some Success with Cuttings

This is the Mother plant one day I will find the name. Where I was digging the soil one day I found I had covered up a branch of this shrub and it was rooting in the middle of the branch and out of that I have got three new plants below.  The bigger of the three did not have any roots and its taken. I tried so many times to get a cutting that worked.

I have found the flower bed where I improved the soil is working well with my cuttings I am having some success for a change!

This one was under the ground and it just sprung up the other day that was a bonus.

This was the tip that was growing out the ground near the mother plant this had no roots.
This was also from the same plant. This was the part with roots and the stem is semi hard wood.


Flowers are popping up over this plant I like the pink ones its strange how there are two colours pink and lilac buds.

I wonder if my brother will still ague the point that this is Rosemary?

I am loving this, its spreading up the wall well chuffed that this took!

here is the other one, that is producing flowers too!

 My sorry attempt at pruning hehe its growing more leafs I am glad about that.

I have made a bit of a boo boo with this I think I have planted my two new plants too near but I am reluctant to move it because it has long roots and I do not want to disturb it.  It took too long to establish itself

I am loving these Sweet Williams they are growing nicely and spreading a bit.  I am so tempted to get some more bedding flowers like these!

I have potted this again must be the third time the pot was too big and the buds was hidden in the pot now you can see them, its a shame this plant is just a annul.  I might try to bring it in doors see if I can save it.

Sweet peas coming along nicely I hope they hold out through the winter months would love to see it grow up the fence.

I got this spreader from a nice lady in my Garden Club she said it spreads like mad.

Flowers still turning green I guess it will not go any other colour this late in the year.

The Ivy is still growing I want it to grow faster

I remember this plant now was giving to me by one of my neighbours 8 years ago it started growing under the stones. Something has been feeding off it!

The Iris plants are coming a long nicely I have 12 all over the garden wonder how many will flower in the Spring?

Tuesday, 6 September 2011


More flowers coming up on the Phlox plant, strange, but not the same colour as the pink one, these ones are lilac.

I have moved the Holly Tree next to the Cypress Tree.  It was too tempting for Benji he has had his teeth round the bottom a few times ready to pull it up.  He has taken the bamboo sticks a couple of times,  I would be so upset if I came out in the garden and find it chewed to bits.

What have I done? "Oh my days" I started to prune this shrub but got carried away, before I knew it all but a few leafs were left below is how it was.  I will not do that again in a hurry.  I know it will grow back because a few years ago Benji decided to prune it with his teeth.  I am not sure who is worse me or him.

Treated myself to a few ever greens today and got this Holly Fern Thought it might look nice.  When it spreads, it will go over the stones.

I love this, I have been looking at getting one of these Spotted Laurels for ages and today, I though, I am going to treat myself to one.  There is one at my Gardening Class and its grown quite big.

Sunday, 4 September 2011

New Flowers coming up!

Its funny this plant me and my brother Jim have been having a friendly Augment he says its Rosemary and I keep telling him its a Phlox Plant but he will not have it. I sent him a photo of the pink flowers coming up but he thinks I did some trick photography with Photo shop and stuck the flower on hehe so funny!

I love this its so easy to grow and it flowers I have been waiting for it to flower if you look below you will see the pink blooms coming out

Friday, 2 September 2011

Garden Update start of September

A last I have a flower on my Phlox plant thought it would never happen.

The vine is coming along nicely climbing up the garage wall.
The Ivy is nicely growing up the wall too, not sure how long it will take but I like it to cover the whole of this ugly wall.
Remember that Mellow I had up the fence well its growing like made at the back of the garden now, its better then just plain dirt,

This is growing wild too its amazing how stuff just grows out of nowhere?

The Hydrangea is turning green have no idea what colour it will go next, that be interesting to see.

Been trying to get the grass to grow at the front of the garden I gave it a good turn over this morning it was so compacted when I did dig it up I found lots of stones and a big rock no wonder the grass does not want to grow. I might have to put some seeds down ready for next spring.  I looked it up on the Internet and the grass starts slowing down this time of year.