Tuesday 30 August 2011

What is happening in my Garden end of August

Remember that vine that was growing up the wall under my widow at the bottom of the garden? I transplanted it to the top of the garden near the Elderberry Tree. Well its taken and now its creeping up the garage wall that is just what I wanted so a successive project that worked.

I had to cut down the Iris I panted the other day the long leaves were drooping so to give more energy to it rooting I trimmed it and the others.

The Sweet Williams are spreading 

This creeper looks nice but I planted it too late in the season it is suppose to be covered in pink flowers that never happened, but if you look at the photo below look hard hehe there is one bud.

Pulled up some more Ivy from the front garden and I am hoping it will spread over my little rockery

This little Cutting came with the Holly plant I have planted it and maybe I will get another tree?

My Sweet Pea plants arrive last Friday so I have put them out in the Garden I have six of them two pink two red and two white they were marked but silly me got them all mixed up so its going to be pot luck in what order they come up, it will be a surprise for next spring.

Now this is a learning curb for me this is a seeded pod that has come up on my Sweet Pea so I looked up how to propagate the seeds.  I have to wait to the pod goes to a brown colour like a paper bag, then I take it in doors let it dry out and it will start splitting I can then take out the seeds let them dry out then I will then grow the seeds for next spring looks like I might have tons of Sweet pea plants.  Will be one way of covering up the ugly fence you see in the photo.  

Here have some new pods growing!

My Hydrangea seems to be changing colour I have noticed the buds are going a shade of green.  Watching next door Hydrangea I noticed when it changed colour it  changed from pink to a deeper pink, red colour.  I wonder what colour mine will change too?

Saturday 27 August 2011

Cypress and Holly in their new home

Holly Tree planted in its new home at the top of my garden 

The Cypress Tree is planted here but if it grows to a big hight then I might have to move it. Next doors rose bush tends to hang over the fence and might get in the way.

Friday 26 August 2011

Transferred More Iris Plants & More

This Morning I was out early breaking off some more Ryzones and replanting around my garden here are some photos where I have planted them.

These two trees I am very excited about, I bagged them off my Free cycle group was lucky for a change and got in first, one is a Holly Tree and the other a Cypress tree.  I will be picking them up this afternoon then I will have to decide where to put them because they could grow quite tall.

Cypress Tree and Holly Tree

Cypress Tree

Now I will have to look for the name of this Iris like plant I split the few I had and planted them in my new flower bed, these produce lovely yellow flowers in the spring.  I have no idea where they came from they just appeared last year I guess I have to thank the birds.
If you look to the right behind the Iris Plants you will see the Iris like plant at the back right by the fence with the yellow flowers.  This is where they started and where I dug them up and made a couple of plants out of them, now they have multiplied and I have planted them next to the orange flowers the name escapes me at this moment.  

Wednesday 24 August 2011


I have been moving stuff around and made this little rockery its near where I sit I have changed the lights so many times since this Photo every time I look at it I rearrange 

Here it is again this time I have added more rocks and hehe changed the ornaments around again. 

I caught this Wood Pigeon nicking the Elderberry's off my tree they keep dropping them and braking off the leafs, when the berries hit the ground its like paint splattering. 

Two of them having a feed

The grass is coming along nicely 
this part of the grass was bare a good few weeks ago, my transplanted grass believe it or not worked its rooted and is growing.

I have taken these out of there pots and put in a bigger container, I used my recycling bin, don't tell Hackney Council (smile)

To make it look a bit better I used the Pot Legs that are Frogs and to compliment the little frogs I put my Mummer Frog there too!

This one has grown I potted it and moved it to the sunny side of the garden.

The Iris plants have established themselves and are sprouting new stems.

Now this photo I was trying to get behind the plants but it did not work hehe nice pic of my legs haha

I trimmed the neighbours Rose bush yesterday it was hanging over the fence and dropping all its petals on my side I got a bit fed up with picking them up, so trimmed it back a bit.

Saturday 20 August 2011


This is a experiment, I got this Chrysanthemum Plant it was meant for indoors.  I bought it cheap thinking it was for the garden.  So I have split it into five plants and put it into my flower bed where I have just improved the soil.  I just want to see how long they last and just see if they grow, Who knows?

I am very pleased with this Hydrangea Plant its growing and budding more flowers.

Still watching my Ivy its like watching a kettle boil hehe.

I have been researching these Hosta plants and was real pleased to find out that I can split them like the Iris's.  I am going to leave this for this year and next year when its a bit more established I will lift it up and make a few more plants from it.

This is my transported Vine crossing my fingers it would take, well its growing up the wall so lets see how it is next spring.

This is like a Iris it grows with tall yellow flowers I have split this into three plants you will just have to see what its like in the spring.

My Irises are branching out again after splicing some of them and moving to a few places in the garden.  Looking forward to these flowering in the spring.

Just took these photos to give myself a record of the growth as these will last all through the Winter, crossing my fingers.

This is the transported Plant that Benji liked to pull up, its got two babies, this plant took a good few weeks to establish it self, so I am please its got babies.

Here are the Babies

This seems to be spreading slowly, I know now why these were cheap to buy because I missed the Flowers, shame because they only last one season.  You never know they might just flower?

More Sweet Williams

I am waiting for this to flower its gets white flowers. I will keep you updated with this.

I am hopping this plant lasts until next year.

These are so slow to grow.

My Bay not sure if I am going to leave it natural or shape it. We will see?

Hoping this gets established love to see this grow tall.

Ivy on my flower bed growing and I am trying to trail the leafs up the fence.

When I remember the name of this I tell you the story

Sweet Pea is spreading and I have some Seed Pods growing I have researched how to do these seeds so I will wait to late Autumn and that will be a new challenge for me.

This was an experiment too, don't laugh this corner was quite bare and I transferred some grass from elsewhere and it took.

Waiting for this corner to grow just might have to put some seeds in next year this little corner was filled with weeds that I killed.

More transported grass?

Giving myself a record of the grass