Wednesday, 24 August 2011


I have been moving stuff around and made this little rockery its near where I sit I have changed the lights so many times since this Photo every time I look at it I rearrange 

Here it is again this time I have added more rocks and hehe changed the ornaments around again. 

I caught this Wood Pigeon nicking the Elderberry's off my tree they keep dropping them and braking off the leafs, when the berries hit the ground its like paint splattering. 

Two of them having a feed

The grass is coming along nicely 
this part of the grass was bare a good few weeks ago, my transplanted grass believe it or not worked its rooted and is growing.

I have taken these out of there pots and put in a bigger container, I used my recycling bin, don't tell Hackney Council (smile)

To make it look a bit better I used the Pot Legs that are Frogs and to compliment the little frogs I put my Mummer Frog there too!

This one has grown I potted it and moved it to the sunny side of the garden.

The Iris plants have established themselves and are sprouting new stems.

Now this photo I was trying to get behind the plants but it did not work hehe nice pic of my legs haha

I trimmed the neighbours Rose bush yesterday it was hanging over the fence and dropping all its petals on my side I got a bit fed up with picking them up, so trimmed it back a bit.

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Thanks for taking the time to humour me by looking at my blog come back soon hugs.